Summer 2000 southern current meter mooring

Meter depths:

#   m above bottom      actual pressure depth [m]
1:	 50 m		2142
2: 	100 m		2092
3: 	150 m		2042
4: 	200 m		1992
5: 	250 m		1942

From Rick Thomson:

July 27, 2000
1721 UTC: Deploy 250 m long, 5-RCM5 Current Meter mooring south of the main vent site.

DGPS position: 47deg 56.281min North, 129deg 05.886min West
Uncorrected sounder depth at deployment = 2174 m
Instruments record u,v,T,P but not S because of leaks in the conductivity sensors.

To be recovered in early October 2000.

Other sources of current information:

  1. Rick Thomson's WASP mooring (~1km N of MEF)
  2. Meg Tivey MAVS ~50m N of SandM
  3. Paul Johnson's and Susan Hautala's near-bottom meters
  4. Submersible observations:

Summer 2000 northern current meter mooring

Meter depths:

#   m above bottom      actual pressure depth [m]
1:       15 m           2162
2:       16 m           2161


Taken from May 16, 2002 abstract by Thomson et al:
Lat N		Lon W
47d 57.521m	-129d 5.542m
Converted to UTM via geoconvert:
493104.11       5311711.82

SRV, updated 8/12/02