01: VC Background ~15km off-axis ~ due E of MEF.
02: VC Background ~10km off-axis ~ due E of MEF.
03: VC ~500m N of MEF (station "NoMEF").
04: VOC ~500m S of MEF (station "SoMEF").
05: VOC ~500m N of MEF (station NoMEF)
06: VOC ~500m S of MEF (station SoMEF)
07: VOT ~midway between MEF and Mothra fields.
08: VOT continuing station 07 VOT between MEF and Mothra fields.
09: VOT ~10km N of MEF, over Marv's far north target.
10: VOT back and forth along the northern boundary of the MEF "box."
11: HT at ~50-60mab over known MEF vents.
12: VOT back and forth along the southern boundary of the MEF "box."
13: VOT like station 12, but during southward predicted flow.
14: VOT ~500m N of MEF searching for 1995 instability source.
15: HT through MEF at ~45-50mab. (Similar to station 11.)
16: VC over SE flank of E ridge crest.
17: VOT between Salty Dawg and High Rise vent fields.
18: VOT through Cirque and Dune diffuse flow vicinity.
19: VOT north of Salty Dawg field, Marv's near north plume.
20: VOT along E side of MEF box and then further E.
21: VOT near bottom around Quebec diffuse flow site.
22: VOT transit to ESE flank of E ridge crest.
23: VC over SE flank of E ridge crest.
24: VOT transit back to Quebec.
25: VOT #2 near bottom around Quebec diffuse flow site.
26: VOT over W ridge crest.
27: VOT SW of Mothra.
28: VOC for 10hr ~500m N of MEF (at station NoMEF; compare with 33)
29: VOT search SW of Cirque and Dune
30: HT over N part of MEF (~50m above bottom)
31: HT over N part of MEF (~80m above bottom)
32: HT over N part of MEF (~70-90m above bottom)
33: VOC for 14hr ~500m SSW of MEF (compare with station 28)
34: VOT SW of Mothra
35: VOT around perimeter of MEF box between 1850 and 2070m (perimeter ribbon #1)
36: VOT around MEF perimeter: ribbon #2
37: VOT around MEF perimeter: ribbon #3
38: VOT around MEF perimeter: ribbon #4
39: VOT around MEF perimeter: ribbon #5
40: VOT across MEF field plume tops (1850-1980m)
Station = A period of time defined by (A) when the CTD enters/exits the water, or (B) the
nature of the CTD operations changes while the CTD is still in the water.
Cast = A period of time during a station defined by (A) when the CTD begins moving
deeper during a VOT, or (B) when the ship and/or CTD change direction (moving
towards a new waypoint).
VC = vertical cast = hold ship position, lower/raise only once
VOC = vertically-oscillating cast = hold ship position, lower/raise with the winch many times
VOT = vertically-oscillating tow = move ship @ 0.2-1 knot and lower/raise CTD
HT = horizontal tow = move ship @ 0.2-1 knot and maintain CTD at ~constant depth
(wire out)
MEF = Main Endeavour Field
mab = meters above bottom
NESW = north, east, south, west
T, S, z = temperature, salinity, depth
Eh = redox potential
X, bs = transmissivity, backscatter
theta = potential temperature