The Endeavour Segment GIS Pages

Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
GIS Project

Principal Investigators:
Our objective is to integrate accurately-located, high-resolution topographic, photograhic, seismic, chemical, geological, biological and acoustic data from the Endeavour Segment into a geographic information system (GIS) for support of the RIDGE Observatory Experiment (ROBE). A primary goal of the RIDGE science program is to assess the temporal variability of the mid-ocean ridge in the context of observable tectonic, volcanic and hydrothermal processes. Beyond the utility of a GIS for data management, the resulting synergy of different data types within the system provides the scientific community with more information and insight than that obtained by considering each type of data separately.

NSF logo Initial development of this web was supported by the National Science Foundation via awards OCE-9633609 (to D.J. Wright at Oregon State University) and OCE-9634282 (to R.E. McDuff at University of Washington)

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The Endeavour Segment GIS Pages are copyright (©) 1997-1999 University of Washington. The data are public domain; users of the data should acknowledge the original source of any data set used.

Send comments to; Content Last Modified 12/9/99