The Endeavour Segment GIS Pages
ALVIN 1991 Data Files
The Alvin 1991 data are point files consisting of recorded information from a variety of sensors installed on the vehicle. Parameters include those related to navigation (travel times and transponder frequencies, depth, altitude), vehicle attitude (pitch, roll, heading), environmental (temperature), and vehicle status (variable ballast, camera counters). Please see the Mixing Zephyrs: ALVIN Data web page for more information. The processed point files were converted to ArcInfo format and cleaned of fliers. Line coverages were constructed from the point files.
E00 files, .tar.gz format: Point
Coverages | Line Coverages
E00 files, .zip format: Point Coverages | Line Coverages
Metadata in .html format is available for both the point and line files.
In .tar.gz format: Alvin 1991 point metadata | Alvin 1991 line metadata
In .zip format: Alvin 1991 point metadata | Alvin 1991 line metadata
Metadata was collected using the Metadata Collection Tool v2.0 in ArcView. The files are consistent with FGDC standards.
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Content Last Modified 8/12/2001