The Mixing Zephyr Pages
Mixing Zephyr Program
Notes on the Altimeter Performance
Two events during our cruise led to some work on the performance of the altimeter systems
installed on ALVIN. These were 1) an inquiry from Bill Chadwick of NOAA
PMEL to Ken Feldman of SSSG regarding differences between the altimeter
readings and the center line of the Mesotech data from the NOAA cruise
in July 1994, and 2) some differences we noticed during the descent down
the transponder line during Dive 2930 between the
altimeters and the Mesotech display.
Comparison of Alitmetry During Mesotech Survey
During Dive 2930 from approximately 1155L to 1250L we ran a Mesotech
survey above the Bastille complex at a nominal altitude of 25 meters
above the volcanic basaltic surface. Data from the two altimeters and
from the center line of the Mesotech sonar were put onto a common time
base and plotted:
![[Comparison of Altimetry from Different
In this plot, the x-axis is decimal time, the y-axis is uncorrected (for
position of the instrument on ALVIN) height off of bottom, and the colored
curves are for the Benthos altimeter (yellow), Datasonics altimeter
(green) and Mesotech center line reading (blue). There appears to be a
good correspondence between the newer Datasonics altimeter and the
Mesotech sonar, with the older Benthos altimeter reading low.
Altimeter Comparison
A more extensive comparison of the two altimeters was made, using all
data from Dive 2930:
![[Comparison of Two Altimeters]](altcomp.gif)
Over much of the range the Datasonics altimeter reads higher; based on
the comparison of the three instruments above, this is the correct
reading. The discrepancy is approximately 20%. However at lower values
there appears to be a discontinuity:
![[Comparison of Two Altimeters Near
with both instruments in agreement at altitudes below 13 meters.
The files related to this comparison can be found in
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Copyright (©) 1995,1996 University of Washington; Copyright Notice
Content Last Modified 9/10/96
Page Last Built 9/10/96