The Mixing Zephyr Pages

Mixing Zephyr Program
Transponder Locations

Transponders for the Mixing Zephyr Program (Leg 1) were deployed/recovered
in the following manner. All transponders are activated by a 9.0 kHz pulse,
and reply at the frequency shown. The "origin" for the following X-Y grid

Origin: 47:53.634N 129:09.871W

Alvin Group Dive Series Transponders

A 8.5 5/26/95 6/18/95 5234.97 8141.88 1979.45
C 10.0 5/27/95 6/18/95 5585.17 5036.05 2028.41
D 10.5 5/27/95 6/18/95 4480.42 5662.06 1994.62
E 11.0 5/27/95 6/16/95 6848.93 9237.57 1919.74
F 11.5 5/27/95 6/16/95 6347.25 11329.69 1846.85
B 9.5 5/27/95 6/16/95 8126.81 11253.51 1949.19

Permanent NSF Transponders

I 7.5 5/26/95 ----- 6114.97 7633.06 2000.37
J 11.0 5/26/95 ----- 4931.54 6646.96 1997.21

Current Meter (Interrogate at 15.0, reply at 8.0)

-- -- ???? ???? 5144 6493 2180

The transponders deployed the first night were 1 Alvin transponder (A) and the
two permanent transponders. However, transponder "J", when first deployed, had
a reply frequency of 14.5 kHz which was not heard by Alvin while in the MEF.
After this discovery, the decision was made to pull this transponder (Dive 2930) and
change it's reply frequency to a lower one (11.0). At this point, due to the success
of navigating with the 7.5/8.5 combination when in the northern part of the MEF and
throughout all of High Rise, we decided to put "J" on the western wall, so that
we might work both fields using the two permanent transponders. Unfortunately,
the redeployement left "J" further south than would be optimal, although
it is well heard in the MEF, as well as at Clam Bed. Since there was another
11.0 replying transponder when we next(and last) dove at High Rise, it is
unclear how well we can hear "J" there. Getting data on this problem should
be an important goal of the next leg, in the framework of a well functioning,
well calibrated transponder network for the Observatory.

Longitudes and Latitudes of the transponders, as well as the current meter,
are given below:

Alvin Temporary XP's:
A 129:05.6553W 47:58.0175N 1997.7
C 129:05.3753W 47:56.3514N 2028.4
D 129:06.2644W 47:56.6892N 1994.6
E 129:04.3583W 47:58.6180N 1919.7
F 129:04.7620W 47:59.7474N 1846.8
B 129:03.3388W 47:59.7108N 1949.4

NSF Permanent XP's:
I 129:04.9513W 47:57.7551N 1995.0
J 129:05.9041W 47:57.2232N 1997.5

Current Meter:
-- 129:05.7438W 47:57.1380N 2180

Last Update, 9/16/95, CBP <>

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Maintained by Russ McDuff (
Copyright (©) 1995,1996 University of Washington; Copyright Notice
Content Last Modified 9/15/95
Page Last Built 8/4/96