The Endeavour Segment GIS Pages
Endeavour Segment GIS Project
Data Available
Segment Scale: Swath Bathymetry | Side-Scan Sonar | Fixed Transponders |
Magnetics | Water Column CTD
Vent Field Scale: About Navigation | Mesotech Bathymetry | Still Imagery | Video Imagery | Geological Maps
| Submersible Vehicle Dive Tracks | Samples | Fluid Chemistry |
Segment Scale
A major source of ridge crest bathymetric data is LDEO's RIDGE Multibeam
Synthesis Project. The Endeavour Observatory is located in their
"Area 12".
NetCDF Format Grid | Data Source and Processing of
The original data for the RIDGE Multibeam Synthesis Project
Area 12 Grid was collected by NOAA/ORD/ERL/PMEL investigators from the
NOAA ships Surveyor and Discoverer. These data can be obtained from
their web
In 1996, Deborah Kelley, University of Washington, conducted a survey of the Endeavour Observatory
area using the Krupp-Atlas Hydrosweep System
on the RV Thomas G. Thompson. These data are available here:
GMT (NetCDF) Format Grid | ArcInfo Grid(.gz) | ArcInfo Grid(.zip) | ArcInfo Contour Coverage(.gz) | ArcInfo Contour Coverage(.zip) | Metadata
The fixed NSF transponders were deployed first.
However, transponder "J" initially had
a reply frequency of 14.5 kHz which was not heard by Alvin while in the MEF.
After this discovery, the decision was made to pull this transponder (Dive 2930) and
change it's reply frequency to a lower one (11.0). At this point, due to the success
of navigating with the 7.5/8.5 combination when in the northern part of the MEF and
throughout all of High Rise, we decided to put "J" on the western wall, so that
we might work both fields using the two permanent transponders. Unfortunately,
the redeployement left "J" further south than would be optimal, although
it is well heard in the MEF, as well as at Clam Bed. Since there was another
11.0 replying transponder when we next(and last) dove at High Rise, it is
unclear how well we can hear "J" there. Getting data on this problem should
be an important goal of the next leg, in the framework of a well functioning,
well calibrated transponder network for the Observatory.
Permanent NSF Transponders
I 7.5 5/26/95 129:04.9513W 47:57.7551N 1995.0
J 11.0 5/26/95 129:05.9041W 47:57.2232N 1997.5
E00 file, projected to UTM Zone 9, .gz format: Fixed Transponders
E00 file, projected to UTM Zone 9, .zip format: Fixed Transponders
Vent Field Scale
Most data collected at the vent field scale in the Endeavour area have been
referenced to the UW local ALVIN grid. As navigational precision
(through use of "in-hull" data) and accuracy (by referencing to p-code
GPS) has improved, there have been problems with registration of
features within the vent field. All data collected here have been
adjusted using the best location for the origin of the UW
local ALVIN grid as 47°53.634'N 129°09.871W. Details
Geological maps showing active and inactive sulfide structures, black
smokers, faults and fissures, talus and tube worm fields have been
compiled by Veronique Robigou, University of Washington. Editions of
these have been published in Delaney et al., REF, and Robigou et al.,
REF. The 1995 updates of these maps were digitized
and converted to
GMT multi-segment format, i.e., each segment is separated
by a line which contains by default the character ">" in the first
this separator. Subsequently these sets of points and polygon outlines
were converted to ARC/Info format.
Mapped features include:
Classification Type Data Structure
Sulfide Structure (Active) 0 polygon
Sulfide Structure (Inactive) 1 polygon
Inactive Sulfide Spire 2 point
Active Black Smoker 3 point
Sulfide Talus & Hydrothermal Sediment 4 polygon
Talus 5 polygon
Tubeworm Colony 6 polygon
Fissure 7 line
Fault 8 line
Horst Boundary 9 polygon
Basalt Plume B polygon
Flotation Marker F point
E00 files, UTM Zone 9, tar.gz format: Main Endeavour Field | Metadata MEF | High Rise | Metadata HRF
E00 files, UTM Zone 9, .zip format: Main Endeavour Field | Metadata MEF | High Rise | Metadata HRF
GMT segment files, tar.gz format: Main Endeavour Field | High Rise | Example of GMT Commands to Draw Geological Map
Vehicle | Year | Investigators | Data
ALVIN | 1984 | Delaney/Johnson | poor quality navigation exists for
dives in vicinity of Hulk, Grotto, and Lobo
ALVIN | 1988 | Delaney/McDuff/Schultz/Baross/Lilley |
ALVIN | 1991 | Delaney/McDuff/Lilley | Data Files
Jason | 1991 | Delaney/McDuff |
ALVIN | 1995 | Delaney/McDuff/Lilley | Data Files | Additional Cruise
ROPOS | 1996 | Juniper/Fisher |
Jason | 1997 | Delaney/Fisher | data not yet released publically
ALVIN | 1997 | Delaney/Fisher | data not yet released
ROPOS | 1998 | Delaney/Kelley | data not yet released
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The Endeavour Segment GIS Pages
are copyright (©) 1997-2000 University of Washington.
The data are public
domain; users of the data should acknowledge the original source of any data
set used.
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Content Last Modified 3/15/2000